Corpus Christi Dia de los Hooks

Corpus Christi has a vibrant Hispanic culture, and the Hooks wanted to celebrate that heritage at Whataburger Field. Dia de los Muertos was an obvious choice for a holiday celebration, Dia de los Hooks was born! I served as the creative director of this project, overseeing the design and event planning from start to finish.

The Corpus Christi community embraced the celebration as the Hooks created a 3-day weekend unlike any other in minor league sports. Whataburger Field featured mariachi bands, a mercado, folklorico dancers, and even an authentic ofrenda. MiLB honored the team with the Promotion of the Month award (May 2017), and the Hooks were a finalist for the Golden Bobblehead Promotion of the Year.


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Corpus Christi Blue Ghosts